Highlighted by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in his monthly TV Programme ‘Mann Ki Baat’, celebrating Ranveer’s Gold Medal triumph at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, Germany 2023.
Ranveer won 05 Gold & 01 Bronze medal for the country at the Asia Pacific Golf Masters Tournament held at Macau, in the year 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014 & 2013.
The BHIM AWARD, has been confered to Ranveer Singh Saini
The Highest Sports Award of the State(Haryana), the BHIM AWARD, has been confered to Ranveer Singh Saini by the Hon’ble Governor of Haryana on Feb 19, 2017.
Team India (Special Olympics- Bharat), Ranveer Singh Saini & Rahul Agrawal won the GOLD medal at the Special Olympics World Games held at Berlin , Germany.